Perfect Sense

  • Short Film
    18 Minutes

    At a time in need of humanitarian innovation, one man, Dr. Albert Hofmann, determined to ease the pain of mankind, toiled endlessly in search of a cure for migraines. With his only assistant, Maxwell, by his side, the two worked fruitlessly for 5 years. Finally on April 19, 1943, the day of the 25th experiment, their hard work and perseverance paid off.

  • Cast: John T. Woods, Sean Boyd, Leonardo Portillo & Terry Mcinroy

    Writer & Director: Chris McInroy

    Producers: Susie Moermond, Chris McInroy & J.T. Gurzi

    Director of Photography: J.T. Gurzi

    Editors: The Extravaganza

    Score: Jeff Vidov

  • Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival
    Best student long form

    CineVegas Film Festival

    Las Vegas Mercury Short Film Festival

    California Independent Film Festival